Inappropriate laughter

By josie345 - 25/08/2011 02:07 - United States

Today, some blowhard on a motorcycle yelled at me for jaywalking, causing him to almost hit a dumpster. He picked up and threw an empty beer can at me when I started giggling at the sticker on the front of his helmet that said, "If you can read this, I have lost my caravan." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 157
You deserved it 27 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunny_Eclipse 6

That guy is obviously a noob in the biking world.

Everytime I hear caravan I think of Cass from FNV.... I need to get out more.


motorcyclists are already in enough danger without having to avoid jaywalkers. hope you get hit, dumbass.

friedpwnadge 25

Jaywalking is like flipping a middle finger to everyone who tries to drive safely. You ******* deserved it.

yzzami 17

YDI for jaywalking. You could have gotten hit and you almost caused him an accident you jerk

Jaywalking is illegal for a reason people who Jaywalks could cause an accident or get hot by a car. Jaywalking can be dangerous you were just lucky that a cop want around to see you.

I know this is really old, but I'm betting that 98% of these commenters jaywalk every other day.