I guess that's a "NO!" then?

By Anonymous - 01/09/2024 16:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I thought it would be romantic to propose to my girlfriend during halftime at a local football game. I arranged everything with the stadium staff. When the moment came, I got down on one knee, only for her to hiss, "Are you serious? Right here?" She ran off, leaving me kneeling in front of hundreds of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 156
You deserved it 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Keep proposals simple and, more importantly, private. Girls don't like being pressured, cajoled or manipulated into things.

unless she's a football fanatic who enjoys being a public spectacle, yeah that wasn't thought out


I've said this before and I'll say it again: Keep proposals simple and, more importantly, private. Girls don't like being pressured, cajoled or manipulated into things.

🤦 Dude, just go with a beautiful picnic or a romantic, private dinner for two. Or if you go out, literally just slide the ring box across the table with the after dinner chocolate on top and a stupid grin in your face because she's the most stunning thing in your world. It's not rocket science.

two mistakes : the way you planned to propose, and wanting to propose? are you insane?

unless she's a football fanatic who enjoys being a public spectacle, yeah that wasn't thought out

Don't listen to the movies. They lie. Putting someone on the spot in front of any kind of crowd isn't as romantic as you want to believe it is. Anxieties get triggered, people feel pressured to make a choice just to go with the flow, trusts are broken if they feel manipulated... etc. Hopefully it worked out for you in the end, though.

Nothing romantic about football. Or large crowds. Or embarrassment.