By Anonymous - 11/09/2018 03:30

Today, after 20 years together and 9 years of marriage, I found out that my husband has been having an affair with my cousin for 6 years. The same cousin who came over every Friday. Who he wanted to be godmother to our 3 kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 601
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

Time for a divorce and time to lose a new family member

Looks like you got a lot of free baby-sitting, one way or the other.


Boyufd 24

Time for a divorce and time to lose a new family member

Looks like you got a lot of free baby-sitting, one way or the other.

Some people just aren't worth the effort. Make sure he does right by your kids, but kick his ass out.

So he's religious enough to want to baptize your kids, but then can't stay faithful to you? Sounds like he is a pretty big hypocrite. Divorce his ass and beat the shit out of your cousin.