
By creepingjennie - 09/12/2021 04:59

Today, I realized that the only thing that relieves my chronic facial pain is vaping CBD. I previously was very vocal about how much I hate smoking and vaping. My kids think I'm a hypocrite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 433
You deserved it 1 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

You might be able to save face with the excuse that it's medicinal and medical necessity. but it's kinda YDI for being judgy and preachy. Humble yourself a little.


Royal Sataness 4

You might be able to save face with the excuse that it's medicinal and medical necessity. but it's kinda YDI for being judgy and preachy. Humble yourself a little.

Well well well, how the turns have tabled.

A very valuable life lesson that you never know someone’s pain until you walk a mile in their shoes… I genuinely think you should sit down with your kids, apologise, explain, and listen to them in future.

this may actually even better your overall relationship with them too

diraven 15

Talk to your doctor about a medication called carbamazepine. I have the same issue and this works pretty well for me. Actually works similarly to CBD and is way less expensive.

Admit that you were wrong and move on. CBD also comes in pills

My father's smoking gave me health problems, and I still find vaping annoying. I really don't need to apologize for not liking smoking or vaping. CBD does come in pill form, but it doesn't work nearly as well as vaping it does. As far as my relationship with my kids, they are all adults, and we have a good relationship. I'm not a judgy or preachy person, but just have made my feelings about smoking and vaping known. BTW, none of my kids smoke or vape. They think it's funny that I have to use a vape now, and they like teasing me about it. It is pretty funny, to be honest. :)

Sounds like a possible case of trigeminal neuralgia. Very hard to treat and the pain is excruciating.