Helper Blues

By Fat and Embarrassed - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Palmdale

Today, I asked an elderly customer at my work if she needed help with her groceries. She responded, "I normally would, but I'm afraid you'll eat all the groceries." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 191
You deserved it 1 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Well, I've got to commend you on still going out in public with such bizarre and specific paranoid fantasies. It must be very difficult for you to see other people and fight against all the stereotype-driven fears that flood your mind. You're quite a hero."

Too bad you've got to hold back and remember that "the customer's always right" BS. Otherwise, it'd be "Clean up on Aisle 5!"


Sounds like Nicole Brodeur's grandmother is alive and kicking. ?

If you see her again, tell her that you don't really care for her groceries, but instead crave human liver with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti ... don't forget to specify that you prefer livers from rude old women. If however you don't see her shopping there again, take solace in knowing that someone else probably ate her already!

that's when u say, "good luck with all your future endeavors, as I know u don't have many left" mic drop...

No for being overweight enough to prompt this comment.

Making fun of someone's weight is pathetic. Especially online

....? Someone's weight is literally nobody's business except their own.

Prove you won't by letting her eat your groceries

Don't let a stupid comment by some bitter old person get you down, head up OP

As someone that works in retail, I can confirm that most elderly people I come in contact with are extremely rude and feel very entitled. They're my least favorite age groups to help. Sorry that this customer was so rude and disrespectful to you, YDDI, FYL

da_epic_failman 7

I thought grandparents were supposed to make you eat!??

"Yes I would normally help the next customer I see, but now I'm worried they'll be as mean and rude as you were."