He certainly has a type

By tattooed - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Ireland

Today, my boyfriend told me one of the main reasons he started dating me was because I have the same name as his ex, whose name he has tattooed on his back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 105
You deserved it 3 841

Top comments

dougierocks 13

and also conveniently solves the "calling you by the wrong name" problem..


Well you should've known he has her name on his back!!! YDI.

lexi365 20

Wow i'd cry if that happened to me. Maybe there are other reasons too?

I've done it but I liked her. just her name happen to be the same

IF, I can always identify your posts when I'm on the dp-less mobile site, because I start nodding at about the fourth word. :]

I wonder if we have the same name, as it is indeed the Irish equivalent of Jane Doe...

KyleIsSoFine 0

Lawlz... That's actually quite clever XD

I agree.. It is pointless.. Even if you are married to that person.. Sadly things dont last forever so dont take the chance >.<

at least its not the reason he kept dating you...

wouldn't you have seen the tattoo on his back early? and seen it was your name and asked??