Have some empathy

By liz - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work, I had toast thrown at me by an old Vietnam vet. Who also happens to have a dead cat in his freezer. I love retirement homes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 086
You deserved it 2 663

Top comments

Wow... They always say,"The mind is the first to go."

maybe that was his way of flirting with you....0_o


topbanana 0

at least he didn't throw the cat.

Maybe you could look for a better job? Needs must as the devil drives, OP. Also, does it really hurt that much to write full sentences? Try again. PS I hate sentence fragments.

Oh, I feel your pain. Last year, my school kept a dead raccoon in the community fridge (where you took food from if you didn't have a lunch). *shudders* On top of that, half of my class, including me, had to clean thy fridge... I even found a jar of something that looked like the pico de gallo sauce that time forgot - it was from frickin' 1995. Ugh.

tayloroo2 0

shouldn't this one be on mlia

bitch clean the sand out your ****** and respect the fact that he put his life on the line to save ur sorry ass

"Forget" to give him his pills, watch him die in pain.

joshherrell18 0

davidcooksangle # 2 and 7 is soooo hot...please put my baluga whale sized penis in your mouth. :)

looool #18 that shit cracked me up. what retirement home I've been working in them for years and in the same state

LOL literaly............ and really? if this is true that retirement home is gunna be shut down real soon............ i wonder how many other oldies have dead things in their freezers.