Happy birthday, I suppose…

By chessgeeksam - 14/03/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, I learned that the surprise party thrown for my girlfriend's 19th birthday was wonderful and she couldn't be happier. Except that I didn't show up. Apparently 40 people were invited but I wasn't one of them. We've been going out for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 473
You deserved it 4 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..Ouch. And she didn't invite you once the party started? She's as crappy as her friends, then.

#4, that was so stupid that I reported you for abuse. Abuse of the english language, of my intelligence, of the comment system...


ohdanggFMLxx 0

Dude, that sucks. But #41 has a point.

I don't think it's such a big deal. I mean, they're her friends. Maybe they wanted to have her for the night without any distractions. I don't think it's unreasonable. If it really gets you down then do something else with her to celebrate her birthday. Make it ten times better than their party and show them what a great boyfriend you are so her friends will stop hating on you.

Well, maybe if you were a good boyfriend, you'd be with your girl on her birthday so that when she's surprised, you're surprised as well.

Hey man, you aren't the only one. same thing happened to me. FML!

#44, it was a week before, not on her actual birthday. He's not the jerk in this situation.

Honestly, I don't think so. By "Except i wasn't there", do you mean it was great except for the fact that you weren't there, or that she had the greatest time ever without you being there? Difference.

if u know about party before it started, u should had just show up

Where did you think she was while she was at the party?

CrazyCraig0516 0

Same thing happened to me, I had been with her for almost two years and I found out about her surprise birthday party 4 months after it happened. She had lied to me and told me she was at the spa out of the state with her mom while she was drinking with over a hundred people 20 minutes away from me.