
By Prodigy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ran into a former college classmate at Subway. He gushed on and on about how I was the only one in our class with true potential. Then I asked him what kind of sandwich he wanted, because 3 years out of college, Subway is still the only place that will hire a music major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 708
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quit whining, all of us musicians know the risk we're taking when we try to make it a career.

Go back and get another degree- one with some form of job security. You should have known any art degree wouldn't get you anywhere especially in this economy.


Ajjas013 6

People who say 'LOL your major sucks. My major will get me a well paid job teehee ^_^ !!' piss me off so bad. Anyone can get a decent job as long as they have the determination to work hard and know where to look for jobs. Having a major which supposedly gives you job security =/= you will automatically get a job. Likewise, not having a degree which is in demand (or any degree at all) doesn't mean that you'll be working fast food/retail for the rest of your life. I personally know someone who's now earning a 6 figure salary at the age of twenty. Without a degree. It all depends on talent+hard work+street smarts and getting in touch with the right people. OP, I'll say YDI for not looking in the right places for a job.

Audition for a cruise line. The money is pretty good, no rent, you meet and work with people from around the world, and get to go all sorts of places. That is, if you don't play something nobody hires, like the euphonium.

mshafty 0

Well who knew that getting stoned and listening to jazz all day wouldn't lead to lucrative job prospects???

Erock5718 0

**** you dude im a music major and music is one of the most challenging majors there is. not only do you have to practice hours everyday but you also have to know your theory, history, musicianship, and participate in ensembles. this is the second semester of my junior year and the only semester i havent had 7 classes to keep up with. everyone who says that music is a BS major should have to go through one week as a music major just to see how hard it really is.

tubademon999 2

you tell that piece of dickshit.

You think 7 classes is light? I'm taking an easy semester before student teaching (vocal music ed), and I only have seven classes.... usually I have 10, NOT including the 0 credit courses. :-) I don't think these people realize how much effort goes in to what we do. Hell, our ensembles are only one credit hour each, and we rehearse 3-4 hours a week!

mshafty 0

I call BS! 10 classes. You must go to private school because there is no way you could ever get that many at a state school, unless they are all like 1-2 unit classes. I was pretty stoked when I could get my 4-5 classes. And yes I know a music degree is hard, I was joking! I had a couple of friends who put way more effort into their music degree than I did my engineering degree. But guess what, I've got a good job and living it up. Maybe I'm don't lovvvvveeee my job, but I have a good career ahead of me. My friends in music are now working as a bartender and waitress because those jobs pay more than anything they could find that had to do with music and their music careers are more of hobbies. I've been reading a lot of success stories on here, but I say they are the very select few. my best friends sister went to Eastman School in Rochester, New York studying music and switched majors because she realized their are no job prospects. FAce up and realize most of you music majors are screwed!! :)

Actually, it's not BS. I go to a state school, and I have had 10 class semesters. But you are right, many of them were 1-2 credit hours. When I had a semester of 10 classes and only 19 credit hours, people thought I was crazy. :-)

musiciangirl591 16

someone i know said the same thing to me so i should stop complaining about my "work load", which is why i'm not in band anymore because of music majors :P

DrewSaFur1313 2

I'm a music major and decided to add a statistics major and political science minor just because the job outlook is so poor for music. to the folks who say there are tons of music jobs out there: you are obviously ignorant. schools (elementary-high school) are cutting music program left and right and the odds of getting into an orchestra are very poor: you vs 100 other people and this only happens when someone dies or retires!!!! seriously folks, you are naive in the ways of music jobs