By Anonymous - 15/11/2011 10:50 - United States

Today, "Community" was pulled from its mid-season lineup, with plans to hopefully put it back on the schedule at some unknown time. It will probably be canceled. Meanwhile, "Whitney" is still on the air and doing fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 722
You deserved it 7 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL indeed if some random TV shows (I presume that's what they are) are important enough to you that you write FMLs about them. Stop watching TV and go do/make something awesome.


stacianichole 2

It's just a TV show. Life goes on.

what a tragedy, what has our country come to?

Steve95401 49

I hope this is the worst crisis OP ever faces in life.

stacianichole 2

All good things must come to an end...

lazy_ella 7

A TV show that has been cancelled counts as a FML? Seriously? I thought I had problems..........................

FYL indeed if some random TV shows (I presume that's what they are) are important enough to you that you write FMLs about them. Stop watching TV and go do/make something awesome.