
By Prodigy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ran into a former college classmate at Subway. He gushed on and on about how I was the only one in our class with true potential. Then I asked him what kind of sandwich he wanted, because 3 years out of college, Subway is still the only place that will hire a music major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 708
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quit whining, all of us musicians know the risk we're taking when we try to make it a career.

Go back and get another degree- one with some form of job security. You should have known any art degree wouldn't get you anywhere especially in this economy.


bluesclues72 0

that's weird because the CEO of the company I work for had a music major. but then again, you should be happy to have a job.

While you'll probably find a job eventually, you had to expect this because the market in the music field just aren't growing now. If job security is what you where looking for, you picked the wrong major.

The comments on this post makes so glad that I majored in music and simply reiterates how stupid people are that know nothing about music. If you think that pop music is about music and not about image, then you are ******* stupid. Pop musicians (Kanye, Taylor Swift, American Idol, ect.) are not talented and are only selected for the image they can bring to the table (trust me, I know people that have auditioned for Am Idol). Talent does not matter because computers can do wonders to singers and other recorded music. I have a bachelors degree in music education. After graduation I won an audition for second bassoon in a ROPA orchestra, in other words a professional orchestra. You cannot fake live instrumental performances. I am underway with my master's degree in bassoon performance AND I teach bassoon at two local colleges in the suburbs of the city where I perform and go to school. How did I do it? I practiced and worked really hard. No, it was not handed to me, and I did not assume it would be. It may shock many of you to know that my class was filled with really talented people, and a few really stupid people that did not deserve to breathe the same air as me. Yes a BS or BA degrees in music is worthless. I finished with 169 total hours to get my music ed degree, and most of those classes were 1 credit hour. It takes a long time and a lot of work. Perhaps the OP was one of those stupid people. Yes, teachers are underpaid, but musicians that make top orchestras in the world are paid 6 figures! But all of you who say a music degree is worthless and you should not do it are obviously not musically talented, especially not enough to make it as a performer or a competent teacher. To those people, yes it would be a waste of time to try to be something you are not. That is why I did not major in biology, or any other math or science related major. Plenty of teaching jobs in grade schools and high schools are available if you are willing to relocate. You just have to keep looking. Take away all of the music from this world, even the crappy pop garbage that you mindless drones find entertaining and this would be a sad, abysmal world to live in.

Thank you, because I was feeling really discouraged about my decision to do music next year in college until I read your post.

Hahahahaha. Gotta say MindsEye024, you made me laugh my ass off just now. They are pretty worthless actually. Not many people actually make it into professional orchestras and whatnot. Good for you for makin it work though. And actually, you can't assume that people who say a music major is worthless are not musically talented. I said it. And guess what? I've played piano for 16 years (since I was three), played flute for 9 years, cello for 7 years, clarinet for 5 years, trumpet for 6 years, and have been singing since I could talk. But I've been trained as a singer for about 8 years. So do NOT say I am not musically talented. Plus, people hire me to perform at their weddings, events, functions, etc. And I'm just an 18-year-old college kid majoring in chemistry and psychology. So uh...who's not musically talented again? Cuz it's payin for the college my scholarships didn't cover. P.S. I don't practice either. Some of us don't have to. Suck. On. That. You pompous asshole.

valuemeal2 1

Way to call the kettle black, pot (aka pdorf09). Speaking of pompous assholes. *rolls eyes* And now I'm going to be one, since we're bragging... you're not the only one who plays a shitload of instruments. I've played piano for 21 years (since I was 3 also), flute for 10, guitar for 10, bass for 9, and I don't even remember when I took up clarinet or harpsichord. I could sing before I could talk and I was trained in solfege/ear training when I was a toddler, so I can sight-sing better than literally anyone I've ever met. I sing in two of the best choirs in the area and I can analyze/transcribe/repeat music upon first hearing. If you're going to be a musician, you gotta have the ego that goes with it. I loved being a music major, and I love being musically talented. =)

Actually I was just letting mindseye know that just because someone isn't majoring in music or says it's not a good major..doesn't mean they're not musically talented. I never said I was the only one that played that many instruments. In fact, I know a lot of people who play more than me and are better at some of them. I don't get why people have to be so mean on this site. Just because it's the internet, doesn't mean there's not real people on the other end with real feelings. I'm the furthest thing from a pompous asshole.

musiciangirl591 16

i'm a self-taught clarinet player, i started playing when i was in the 7th grade and stopped this year (i'll be 20 on sunday), i only started taking lessons when i was in the 8th grade to the time i was a junior in high school (my clarinet instructor became very sick and eventually died), so when you call someone a "pompous asshole" and then brag about your own credentials, you are making yourself look like a pompous asshole :P

why the he'll would you get a music degree

God, I'm in the same boat. I have no idea what the hell I was thinking when I got a music degree. This is the most anti-arts city in Canada. Goddammit.

jyd62 0

well so much for a degree in music

People major in music because it is what they love to do. There are plenty of opportunities available in the music career. Yes, it is competitive, but if you go into music then you know what your getting yourself into. I do music because I'm good at it and it's my passion. It's completely different from doing something like being a doctor, I know. But you can earn money by teaching private lessons, teaching at a university, a public school, playing in gigs with a quartet, or playing in a symphony. You can also start organizations that have to do with music in some way and earn some money there. It's a calling, maybe not everyone understands, but don't be hating on it.

yungjct 0

Well thank you Seddah. lol. And superkatie00, that's great. If you can make it work then wonderful for you. I just don't like people who think they're better than everyone else. coughcoughMindsEye024coughcough. But Katie, if it's what you love then go for it. But please don't bitch if you end up working at Subway cuz I'm sure you've been warned. And good luck at college. It's lots of fun.