**** fox hunts

By Anonymous - 25/09/2021 17:01

Today, my husband was arrested because a fox, fleeing from about a billion dogs and rich twats on horses, jumped through our car window, and cowered between my legs. He got out of the car, waded through the dogs, and pulled one of the twats off his horse into a puddle, ruining his red coat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 766
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just drive away with the fox?

That poor fox!!!!!!! This makes me wanna cry. Foxes are my favorite animal and they don't deserve to be hunted for sport!!!


Tally ho, old chap! So, your husband goes to the clink and the fox ends up between your legs? Seems like your husband got... ...outfoxed, so to speak.

See people, getting arrested is worth it! For the right reasons, of course.

That poor fox!!!!!!! This makes me wanna cry. Foxes are my favorite animal and they don't deserve to be hunted for sport!!!

Marcella1016 31

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just drive away with the fox?

Today, I was minding my own business when a million dogs and a dozen rich twats on horses started to chase me. I ran for my life and luckily found an open car window. I jumped into the car, just to find my hiding spot was between some lady's legs. The lady's mate got out of the car, pulled one of the twats into the ditch, and got arrested by more twats in silly hats. No, I couldn't stay with the nice lady. FML

That's certainly more impressive than "Moo." ******' overrated cows.

could have just drove off with the fox, violence rarely ends up being worth it

I hate fox hunting! Your husband did a great thing!

Warp1978 15

Good on ya, I would have bloodied his nose. ******* foxhunting *****

a salute for your husband, top man fox hunters should be eaten by their own dogs. also, in the UK using dogs for hunting, is illegal.