Hands off parenting

By iloveyoutoomom - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my mom had an appointment with my teacher after class. She never showed. My teacher ended up driving me home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 595
You deserved it 3 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

Nice teacher... Mine would've been like "Walk to the bus stop -.-"

Even parents are still scared of teachers it seems.


AJG1997 0

sweet teacher. careless **** 4 a mother!

No, op is a guy, and the teacher was driving. Unless.......

Other things to do? I hope that's a joke..

BeastNerd 3

Today, in front of my boyfriend, I let out a horrifying fart. My boyfriend exclaimed, 'That sounded wet!' The worst part is that it was. FML

akkward what your saying is way off the topic. stay on topic

mofo12 0

he can say whatever he wants... calm down

He CAN say what ever he wants, but we can also say what we want, including telling him to stay on topic, which would be considered polite and good manners.

mofo12 0

y'all take this shut way to seriously!! honestly laugh at other peoples misfortunes! damn what a bunch of pansies y'all are!!

xoxogymmiexoxo 0

That's not that bad...your life isn't f'd up

SapphireSympathy 7

My teachers have offered students rides home before if anyone needed help with work after school, I never accepted... but my friend did and she told me it was awkward as hell!

TheDrifter 23

The French are known to be quite openminded...

TheDrifter 23

Depends what teacher. I used to go to the auto wrecker's with my shop teacher a couple times a month. But shop teachers don't really count as teachers do they?

perdix 29

This story started out with such promise, yet it fell flat for me. After the first sentence, I expect the OP to walk in on the teacher driving his mom home, if you know what I mean. Yeah, it's been that kinda day around here.