Kills 99% of all bacteria

By Anonymous - 17/02/2022 22:00

Today, I was so tired this morning when I went to take a dump and instead of using a baby wipe, I used a Lysol wipe. Guess I don’t have Covid up my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 690
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ssssh! Don't give the gubbermint any ideas! Next thing you know, they'll be mandating that we shove things up our butts. They'll send jack-booted butt thugs into our homes to ensure our compliance! Freeeeeedoooooommmmm!


Ssssh! Don't give the gubbermint any ideas! Next thing you know, they'll be mandating that we shove things up our butts. They'll send jack-booted butt thugs into our homes to ensure our compliance! Freeeeeedoooooommmmm!