Gym bro

By sarah_sad - 25/03/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, I went to the gym with two of my friends expecting to pay a guest fee but the cute guy working at the front desk let me in for free. On the way out after working out I started to flirt with him and he said, "Don't flatter yourself, I just let you in because I'm lazy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 705
You deserved it 16 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's with people trying to make vigilante justice over this? He was lazy so he let her in. She got the wrong impression and tried to hit on him. He's obviously had a long day at work, so he flat out tells her to stop trying. Maybe he's taken. Those who would attack the guy physically or professionally must be sociopaths or something. Plus, he totally saved her like, 5-10 bucks.

don't take it so hard, he gets it all the time and is sick of it.


Jefe_fml 0

Well hey, at least you didn't have to pay!

lol im not gonna lie that must have been embarassing and he was a dick but to get him fired would be a real crappy thing to do. just because someone made you feel like crap isnt a reason to get fired. however have you considered he may very well be attracted to you but is a bit immature and felt uncomfortable flirting in public. i collect tolls for a living and i never give free rides to girls im not attracted to. something to think about.....

boots13 0

WOW, that is harsh. I'm sorry though, you really can't assume every cute guy is after you. At least you worked out for free.. or at all for that matter.

#10 & #24 are right on the money here hardly a FYL, but not quite worthy of a YDI get over yourself and just go flirt with someone else

kellster 2

Well... you WERE flattering yourself, now weren't you? It doesn't make him any less of a shit, but maybe don't assume that people are into you in the future.

i dnt get the joke #4 is tryna make. #13: i LOVE the headline. this is not FML worthy.

lol everytime I help a chick w. her PC she thinks I'm flirting when I don't charge her.... but they are just ******* stupid, it's a free service (within reason) to get a few questions answered.... lmao I'm w. #1.

#30: Some people are on a tight schedule. Other than that, and barring some other improbable circumstances, I agree, getting as close as possible to the gym in a car is absurd.

fcuk_fml 0

he ACTUALLY said that to your face? wow, what a douche. but hey, free workout. be happy with that.

shani__ 0

Buuuuuuuurn! Thats gotta suck! Aww! At least he didn't say "Sorry, we can't let you in because you exceed our maximum weight limit for the machines" hahaha