Great first impression

By FirstImpressionist - 11/05/2022 14:00

Today, at work, where I am the boss’s son, I introduced myself to the new guy and starting working on a project. Not five minutes into it, I apparently had a seizure, passed out, smashed my face on the work table, and regained consciousness in a state of confusion with EMTs surrounding me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 974
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Why did you have to tell us you’re the boss? How was that relevant?

Nepotism has a way of coming unraveled.


Nikki 17

Why did you have to tell us you’re the boss? How was that relevant?

Humble-bragging. Actually, he's the boss's son and there's always the idea that he got the job by nepotism and doesn't really deserve it. Not being able to work for five minutes without throwing a fit tilts that judgment.

Nepotism has a way of coming unraveled.