Romance is dead

By Anonymous - 01/04/2024 15:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I have tried so many times to do romantic gestures for my girlfriend, but each time she tells me to stop being silly or to just act normal or to stop annoying her. I guess we’ll just sit on the sofa on our phones ignoring each other then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 465
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nico97 3

Sounds like deeper issues plus a lack of communication. Confront it head on. Work toward change or break up. you don’t need that passive-aggressive bs


Nico97 3

Sounds like deeper issues plus a lack of communication. Confront it head on. Work toward change or break up. you don’t need that passive-aggressive bs

cpguru24 16

Do things that make you happy. Its possible she may be uncomfortable with getting things like flowers and what nots. My girlfriend is or was kind of similar. Not quite. Anyway I enjoyed getting her flowers. After a little bit she got used to it and appreciated it. If it makes you happy and feels like the right thing to do, then I say do it.