Girls will be girls

By Anonymous - 13/01/2021 08:01 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. She had her whole hand in me kind of deep. It was hitting everything inside me and triggered me to poop a little bit, on her arm and the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 969
You deserved it 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxlk4xx 6

shit happens lol! honestly sometimes things get messy during sex, the shower fixes that right up!


xxlk4xx 6

shit happens lol! honestly sometimes things get messy during sex, the shower fixes that right up!

phybreawptic 13

Is there an occasion when a whole hand is inside of you it's not deep? Just a thought.

I mean it's the difference between just the fist and then entire forearm.

tounces7 27

Eh, be thankful you weren't on top at the time. A mouthful is much worse than a handful.