The Good Life

By Anonymous - 13/01/2021 11:01

Today, I live in a tiny village in the countryside. Nice and quiet, right? Wrong. The farm next door rents out their land to some kind of soil processing company. Basically, it’s like living next to a never-ending construction site that knows neither Sundays nor holidays. FML
I agree, your life sucks 774
You deserved it 74

Same thing different taste

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Whether this is an FML or a YDI depends entirely on who got there first. If this company has been making noise there for years and you just recently moved in without doing enough research to know that this would happen every day, then YDI. If you've lived there a long time and the neighboring farm only recently started renting out their land to this company, then FYL. If you moved in recently but the previous owners deliberately misled you by getting them to be quiet every time potential buyers came over, then FYL.


Whether this is an FML or a YDI depends entirely on who got there first. If this company has been making noise there for years and you just recently moved in without doing enough research to know that this would happen every day, then YDI. If you've lived there a long time and the neighboring farm only recently started renting out their land to this company, then FYL. If you moved in recently but the previous owners deliberately misled you by getting them to be quiet every time potential buyers came over, then FYL.