Ghost Shoes

By Fuckedupmom - 23/08/2018 13:00

Today, my 3-year-old daughter has been crying non-stop for an hour because she wants to take off her black shoes. She's not wearing any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 802
You deserved it 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

Put black shoes on her, then take them off. Tickle the bottom of her feet so she can see the black shoes are off. Ask her what shoes she'd like to wear and ask her for help putting them on so she has "control" and is aware of what she is wearing. Also, if not recognizing reality is a common problem for her, make an appointment with her pediatrician.


slkeithh 14
CharlesEmersonW 31

lWell kids get like that at times. If you cant pinppint the actaul cause then your bext safest bet is that she will tire herself out soon. Just bare with it i guess..

This is kind of cute actually. Invisible shoes!

tarabella 7

Uuuuuhhhhhh....... Maybe you wanna get her checked.... By a doctor...... A neurologist maybe...... Oooooorrrr..... A pshychologist

you obviously have never been around toddlers

tarabella 7

It was a ******* joke. I suggest you get yourself a chill pill and a sense of humor

bl3ur0z3 17

Put black shoes on her, then take them off. Tickle the bottom of her feet so she can see the black shoes are off. Ask her what shoes she'd like to wear and ask her for help putting them on so she has "control" and is aware of what she is wearing. Also, if not recognizing reality is a common problem for her, make an appointment with her pediatrician.

Put some black shoes on her, and then take them off. That way, she’ll get what she wanted.

LMFAO Ooo toddler's they will make you laugh harder than you ever have in your life or make you more frustrated than you ever have in your life 😂😏😵

It’s not just toddlers. I’m watching a 10 year old while his parents are out of town, and he told me that his 12 year old brother claims to be hitting puberty, but the 10 year old doesn’t believe him cuz the 12 year old “isn’t getting bigger, if you know what I mean.”

blondie45 21

Walk away. Most kids stop performing when there is no audience...

Dear Parents; THIS is a sign of "your child is (over)tired and needs a nap". Please do the PARENT thing and create structure for your kids and have set nap times (even if they "tantrum" to not go to bed). Otherwise you have a crying 3 year-old wanting to take off shoes she doesn't have on..... parenting. There's books. Go read one or two before spreading open those legs.

Better yet... think before you speak.

My 2 year old does stuff like this too. Tired or not. Toddlers are like tiny drunk adults who do silly things. You’re just an asshole, without children, who thinks they know everything about parenting.