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By frenchie12 - 24/03/2019 02:00

Today, I hooked up with a girl. The condom fell off when I pulled out. When the girl left, I couldn't find it. I saw my roommate cat's with it, so I chased him and he escaped. My roommate now wants to kill me. She found the condom on her bed and doesn't believe me. I might have to move out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 468
You deserved it 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

I hope you are not one of those people who buy the "large" size condoms when the regular will do fine. They should not be falling off.

Your roommate thinks you ****** her male cat (albeit safely)? Yeah, you’d better move out!


If this true, I think it's ridiculous that she's kicking you out because of that.. smh .. .. it's not that deep.

Your roommate thinks you ****** her male cat (albeit safely)? Yeah, you’d better move out!

Mungolikecandy 19

I hope you are not one of those people who buy the "large" size condoms when the regular will do fine. They should not be falling off.

Aphrodite 20

How did it fall off when you pulled out? that doesn’t make sense. Was it too big? and how did you not see the cat pick it up? none of this adds up.

Sometimes she’s still gripping it as he pulls out. It happens.

The first comment was right on the one thing you should buy your roommate a new nice duvet cover (it goes over a comforter) and or have hers professionally cleaned. Statistically condoms coming off during sex is actually quite common usually occurs when The guy finishes maybe a little too early and decides to keep going. The penis then starts to become flaccid(starts loss blood flow and it shrinks back to normal size) allowing the condom get loss and fall off. Even sometimes staying inside the ****** and needing to be fished out even sometimes needing to be removed by Dr. OP needs to learn how to use condoms you’ve got a couple options here. Option one when you finish pull out start for playing again Remove used condom put new condom on once you get hard again. Two if you want to little extra time reach down with your hand and hold onto the base of the condom and the base of your shaft. Preventing either of these things from happening. Worst case order Asian condoms they are smaller then normal American size condoms.

Your roommate sounds like a **** who doesn't know her own cat or cats in general. I'd recommend moving out anyway. With that much stupid in your vicinity you might get affected, and next time THINK you have a condom meanwhile knocking some random girl up