Genetic test

By Anonymous - 12/10/2021 02:00

Today, it's not fair: I’ve seen my twin brother drink 2 full bottles of whiskey without getting more than tipsy, then go to work the next day completely fine on only 2 hours sleep, meanwhile I get completely trashed if I have more than 3 normal pints and take days to recover from the hangover. FML
I agree, your life sucks 852
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your brother is a high-functioning alcoholic. It's probably taken decades of consistently consuming lots of alcohol to develop that "skill." You react like a normal human to drinking too much. Why are you envious of him?


ElijahAsh 14

You need to practice more like your twin

Your brother is a high-functioning alcoholic. It's probably taken decades of consistently consuming lots of alcohol to develop that "skill." You react like a normal human to drinking too much. Why are you envious of him?

So you are mad you aren't a functioning alcoholic?

2deployments1divorce 11
mccuish 25

I know that feeling. It takes more 3 pints to feel tipsy

well I'm sure his liver isn't fine. why to much

the only thing that prevents you from getting drunk is a high tolerance which is not enviable. the only thing to avoid a hangover is drink water during your binging, that or hair of the dog which is probably what your brother does...