By MineAlwaysTouching - 27/04/2017 18:00

Today, while studying pictures of a cadaver for an anatomy class, I found myself jealous of its thigh gap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 414
You deserved it 1 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Never understood why the hype with thigh gaps. I mean, if you are in shorts enjoying M&Ms at the park and you dropped one. You'll be helpless watching it slip through your gap. Losing candy is such a depressing thing.


Just put it in your will that you want the thigh fat between your legs cut out from your corpse. That way, you too can be a dead body with a thigh gap. PS: Most men don't find a thigh gap attractive -- it looks like a deformity.

bsshooter 14

the thigh gap a man would want is one made when the thighs are thick and touching and there is a gap near the hips. if any gap at all

Comparison​ is the thief of joy. Thigh gaps are overrated, if you naturally have one that's great but don't hate yourself if you don't.I have met tiny girls who wanted to be thick because they believe that's more attractive. Anyways you have an advantage over the cadaver,you are alive so enjoy that and don't hate yourself over stupid Tumblr proana trends.

Don't be jealous op, it usually means being underweight. I did my best to get rid of my thigh gap, so much happier and healthier now.

Lobby_Bee 17

Never understood why the hype with thigh gaps. I mean, if you are in shorts enjoying M&Ms at the park and you dropped one. You'll be helpless watching it slip through your gap. Losing candy is such a depressing thing.

awildwhisper 30

Thigh gaps don't have to do with weight, rather they depend on the structure of the skeleton. The positioning of your hips decides if a person had one or not. In photoshoots most thigh gaps aren't natural. They are created by leaning forward, spreading your legs slightly apart, and pointing your toes inwards. The stance feels awkward in real life but looks normal in photos.

reymon8823 24

Thigh gaps overrated.. Thick thighs make the best earmuffs


Actually it's to do with bone structure. It's entirely possible to have a thigh gap and not be underweight.

It's uncool to shame anyone for having a particular feature. We shouldn't idolize the "thigh gap" but we also shouldn't bash those who have it naturally. I used to hate mine and thought if I ate enough it would fill in... No such luck, as the weight just went straight to my stomach. Every body is different. Be cool to each other.

Yea InsanityShard maybe get a slight remote idea what you are talking about before you start opening your mouth please

I REALLY understand the feeling. I once started how envious I was of someone's physique. Then my mom told me it was a 9 yo kid. -_- whoops...