Cancel culture strikes again

By Disneydont - 27/10/2021 14:00 - United States - New York

Today, I was supposed to leave for Disney. Our trip was cancelled last year because of the pandemic. This morning, we found out my sister’s boyfriend, who was a last-minute add-on to the trip, has COVID. Cancelled again. Maybe next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 113
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just leave him and your sister behind. They can wait until next year!

Marcella1016 31

Agree on leaving them behind and going anyway. That said, I don’t know who else is part of the trip - little kids? Big kids? Adults? Because Disney tickets are high af now. $164 a pop to stand in line for 2 hours for a ~5 minute ride? O. Ver. Rated. Maybe if there’s little kids involved that’s why you’re going because they’ve been sold on that whole magic awesomeness idea or whatever, but - there’s TONS of other places to go for way less money. Research other places, go there instead, and spend your saved bundles of cash on something else. College fund for kids, retirement fund for you, a fancy pool for the backyard, hookers and blow, whatever your fancy.


Just leave him and your sister behind. They can wait until next year!

Marcella1016 31

Agree on leaving them behind and going anyway. That said, I don’t know who else is part of the trip - little kids? Big kids? Adults? Because Disney tickets are high af now. $164 a pop to stand in line for 2 hours for a ~5 minute ride? O. Ver. Rated. Maybe if there’s little kids involved that’s why you’re going because they’ve been sold on that whole magic awesomeness idea or whatever, but - there’s TONS of other places to go for way less money. Research other places, go there instead, and spend your saved bundles of cash on something else. College fund for kids, retirement fund for you, a fancy pool for the backyard, hookers and blow, whatever your fancy.