Great idea for a fun night

By Anonymous - 10/08/2023 14:00 - Spain - Salamanca

Today, to my surprise, my girlfriend accepted to try bondage, despite not being particularly turned on by it. I understood why when, after she firmly tied me up to the bed, she ate 80% of the two-person cake we bought for dinner. In front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel sorry for you of course but I have to admit I laughed at this. She was a woman on a mission.

And that didn't turn you on? No wonder I have such a hard time finding "women eating baked goods" ****!


I feel sorry for you of course but I have to admit I laughed at this. She was a woman on a mission.

And that didn't turn you on? No wonder I have such a hard time finding "women eating baked goods" ****!