By Anonymous - 23/07/2019 14:33

Today, I had to go to the dentist to get 11 cavities filled. I took a wrong turn and ended up being 10 minutes late. My dentist told I had to reschedule because of his "10 minute policy." I have to wait 14 days now to get my cavities filled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 645
You deserved it 1 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

And this is how dentists keep to their schedule. I know it sucks but it’s better than having a long wait in the waiting room. Next time, build into your schedule “getting lost-unexpected detour” time when driving to an appointment.

Kavka 15

some people’s teeth are just naturally bad


Alup132 22

You deserve it for letting yourself get 11 cavities... some days I’ve not brushed my teeth for like 4-5 days because I was camping and lazy as a kid, or too tired after playing games late, and even I’ve never had more then 3 ever...

They my be a heavy Pepsi product user all Pepsi product's contain bromide vegetable oil and in recent study's that oil dissolves the enamel on your teeth at an exponential rate, a friend of mine had perfect teeth then started drinking Mountain dew and within a year he had a dozen cavities at his next dentist appt 😒

They my be a heavy Pepsi product user all Pepsi product's contain bromide vegetable oil and in recent study's that oil dissolves the enamel on your teeth at an exponential rate, a friend of mine had perfect teeth then started drinking Mountain dew and within a year he had a dozen cavities at his next dentist appt 😒

Kavka 15

some people’s teeth are just naturally bad

TomeDr 24

And this is how dentists keep to their schedule. I know it sucks but it’s better than having a long wait in the waiting room. Next time, build into your schedule “getting lost-unexpected detour” time when driving to an appointment.

Eat lots of gummy bears and they will serve as temporary fillings until you can the permanent mercury ones that will drive you crazy.

Always leave and plan to be to any appointment 10-15 minutes early. For paperwork, possible early taking you in, anything that needs to be taken care of! And then of course, to avoid any possible traffic incidents! The saying goes: "If you're early you're on time. If you're on time you're late."

what 1

I agree completely with the concept of losing your appointment after being late… But waiting 14 days for another appointment seems unreasonably long, it might be worth looking for another dentist just to fill your cavities

Normally I'd agree, but 11 cavities can be hours of work depending on the severity. The 14 days was probably the first timeslot that had that much allotted time for the procedure. Most people go in for 1-2 or a cleaning (30-45 minutes)

For anyone saying how shocking this is, they may not have enamel on their teeth. I was born without enamel, and by the age of 4 I had to have full dental surgery to fill about the same amount of cavities. I’m almost 20, and I sometimes still get them.

tounces7 27

And that's why when you have something super important scheduled, you leave early, just in case.

WHOA, 11 cavities?! I have a huge sweet tooth and haven't had that many cavities in my whole life! I'd had like four, tops. How did you possibly get 11?! Holy crap!