Excuse me?

By youcould'vejusttoldme - 11/05/2017 21:00 - United States - College Station

Today, my roommate started packing up for when we move out in August. Thirty boxes later, I realized she's leaving me with only a dishtowel and a skillet while she traipses through Europe for the summer. She even packed the silverware. And the curtains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 362
You deserved it 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did any of the stuff she pack belong to you? did you pay for it?.... if not, that's her right. roommate or not, you were just enjoying her things.

If she's packed stuff that's yours and not just hers and she's going to be gone... then just unpack whatever you need while she's gone. It's not like she'll be there to stop you.


blackbird8 10

OP here. Sorry for the belated reply! Sooo...it's a long story. Also, she packed the dishtowel and skillet, lol. Here's the short: We met in class, and became friends. We signed a lease together that began last August. After we signed, she confessed she's bipolar. Not a good sign. Once we moved in, she completely took over the apartment. I'm talking EVERYTHING. She already had a lot of kitchen stuff, so I didn't buy any more. When I did try to contribute things, she'd A) move them out of the communal area into my room or B) tell me they were ugly and didn't "mesh". I gave up trying to please her. She won't be living here this summer, but I am, so she packed literally everything. I'm talking silverware, spices, pillows, rugs, lamps, tables. It was just really inconsiderate and, quite frankly, tacky. Needless to say, we aren't living together in the fall. Oh, and now she's trying to get out of paying the utilities. Lol. I'm never having another roommate again.

YDI. That's what you get for being a door mat.