Dude, what the…?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I woke up to my apartment filled with smoke, fire alarms blaring. My roommate set my kitchen on fire while making hot dogs. This is the fourth time this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 032
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xX504DBXx 0

man... not the hot dogs. looks like he's just gonna have to resort to ramen. hopefully he doesn't **** that up too.


TeaLover_fml 0

what does "comment moderated" mean?

it's means it got removed for some reason(:

and what does OP mean?? like i know it's what you guys call the person who posted but what does iit stand for??

zyth 4
TeaLover_fml 0

At least a woman's in the kitchen where she's supposed to be, right?

ruby84 1

well maybe a kitchen towel caught on fire while OP's poor roommate tried to remove the pot/pan. It has happened to me. actually when that happened to me, (i dropped the towel on the floor & put it out) but there was so much smoke that the smoke detector by my apartment picked up the smoke as well & set the fire alarm of the whole building... which caused the whole building to be evacuated while fire trucks came. it was -40 c outside and all the people freezing outside from my building kept giving me dirty looks.. I was just trying to learn how to cook though :(

iSitt 0

I boil hotdogs. bit it seems like a waste of water. I think I'll try microwave next.

well maybe she was trying to make a campfire in the kitchen. i'll bring the marshmellows!

Kill the roommate, eat the dog, sell the kitchen and then go watch Jackass with 33.

Well if you're lucky, your roomate might be so imbecillic that he/she forgets how to breathe and solves your probem for you.

the_flirtt 0