
By stinkystinky - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, after cleaning the whole house, I still couldn't get rid of the foul smell. Later, my roommate revealed his new place to "stash and dry" his socks: The ventilation ducts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 931
You deserved it 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your roommate know they have appliances built specifically for drying clothes? It's literally called a dryer. Even if he doesn't want to do that, hang them up and let them air dry. Using the ventilation ducts could be potentially dangerous, especially if he's storing them in there.

Well on a plus side, you got an excuse to give your house a massive spring clean..


Does your roommate know they have appliances built specifically for drying clothes? It's literally called a dryer. Even if he doesn't want to do that, hang them up and let them air dry. Using the ventilation ducts could be potentially dangerous, especially if he's storing them in there.

Well on a plus side, you got an excuse to give your house a massive spring clean..

That's a plus?! I try to find excuses to NOT clean.

#3 Yeah the work sucks but the payoff sure is nice. At least OP gets to enjoy that part of it!

I just torch the place. Then I set up another cardboard box and wait until I need to clean again.

i prefer the ceiling fan. i like to air dry my clothes

I had a roommate who'd hide scented candles in our ducts. It was fine until the candle heated up the duct and when he went to take it out, he gave himself second degree burns

kyubi292 10

Hopefully you'll be able to get rid of that smell quickly, and that your roommate will think twice about how to dry their socks.

takeittoem 8

Sounds like he's got one concept down: drying. You should probably introduce him to another: washing!

jcash52426 5

I would beat the crap of your roommate. Or maybe hide dog shit it his room

haveyou000 22

I'm hopeful but also doubtful that this would mean they're wet from being washed.. but that is likely not the case. Gross