Drink up

By whyme - 31/05/2013 18:47 - United States - Crescent

Today, my friends and I went out for drinks. I'm the only one who's actually 21 or over, and they have fake IDs. Not only was I the only one to be carded, the bartender thought that my actual ID was fake. I got kicked out while my friends kept drinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 536
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess, your real name IS McLovin!

How can someone not know what an ID looks like? They should be fired.


BlitheNightmare 7

That is rediculous, in CT our licenses/ IDs are practically impossible to counterfeit. There are like 8 watermarks, 6 holograpic watermarks, and 2 pictures of you. I don't think the rest of the country is much different, so I kind of don't believe this, but maybe where you're from they still have shitty easly counterfeited cards, I don't know.

You should have called an anonymous tip that the bar was serving underage kids.

Report the bar, there will be an investigation and they'll test the bar for taking fake IDs, and if they take one they'll be shut down.

Idk man, I wouldve fought with the bartender

Just a question, but why do you actually do if they deny you and confiscate your ID? You can't drive anywhere without it, and they can't just keep it. How would you prove it is real/get it back?

That's why you get a state ID card and use that at bars. This way you never have to worry about your license being confiscated at a bar. and all you would have to do is explain to the officer that it was confiscated and that you need their help to go get it. as long as you know your driver license number so they can look you up, they'll let it slide.

Aregonde 15

Sounds like you have the upper hand here: you witnessed that bartender selling alcohol to minors. Report him/her.

Life_sucks_13 6

Sorry op they have things now that actually tell you if it's fake or not. Suggest to them getting one.

I think the ultimate revenge on that bartender would be to notify the authorities for serving alcohol to a minor.