Alexa, play "Isolation" by Joy Division

By Anonymous - 06/11/2020 22:56 - United States - Ashburn

Today, I jokingly said to my coworker, "God, what I wouldn't do for a week off work." I was then tested positive for COVID fifteen minutes later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 883
You deserved it 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have been more specific with God. When you pray, you need to tell Him you need a week in a nice vacation spot with perfect health. Otherwise, He'll fulfill your wish the easy way -- with a plague.

Two paid weeks off work! Now let's pray for a speedy recovery; it looks like you've got God's attention for the time being.


You should have been more specific with God. When you pray, you need to tell Him you need a week in a nice vacation spot with perfect health. Otherwise, He'll fulfill your wish the easy way -- with a plague.

I mean, be careful what you wish for, but at least it came true in a roundabout way. Do they pay you for whatever hours you would have originally worked during your new time off?

The Lord giveth, and The Lord taketh away.

Two paid weeks off work! Now let's pray for a speedy recovery; it looks like you've got God's attention for the time being.

Be careful what you ask for. Last December my son survived 5 stab wounds during a mugging. After he healed he was planning on going interstate road trip in his friend's beater car for his birthday back in March, I was not yet ready to let him go and hoped that something would happen to prevent the trip. Within the week Covid hit here, I feel a little guilty.