Doggy dog world

By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 10:02 - United States

Today, I reached down to pet an elderly man's dog. It jumped up and utterly mauled my face, drawing blood. As I gasped in shock and pain, the man said, "Careful, he likes to scratch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 206
You deserved it 11 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask first before you pet? If you did, then FYL. If you didn't, then YDI. Always ask before you pet a stranger animal.

You never pet someone's dog without their permission. They could be a rescue dog who doesn't like strangers, easily excitable, or they could be a dog for disabilities. I'm sorry you got attacked and the guy seemed uncaring but dude ydi


msmedieval 11

Never ever ever touch another person's dog without asking first! My dog is a rescue who adores people but he's extremely protective of us, even if it's a kid approaching.

"Utterly mauled." A little on the exaggeration aide, huh?

Britt125 16

I feel like you weren't actually utterly mauled, just scratched. And as like everybody else is saying you should ask before petting somebody else's dog, not all dogs are friendly, and I'm guessing you didn't ask or the owner would have told you then that the dog might scratch. So, YDI.

I agree with everyone about asking before you pet someone's dogs, however depending on where the op was this is the mans fault too. If it was in public, that's still his fault. If you have a dog that's known to bite or scratch people you need to have a better handle on it, or put a muzzle on it or something. They even make leashes now that have warnings on them so people know. What if some little kid had run up to the dog? Again, not saying it's okay to do that but if you know for a fact your dog is prone to hurting people you should be more responsible.

As long as the dog was on a leash (and not dragging its owner around) then it is not the owner's fault. The owner shouldn't have to go out of their way to avoid people when a bit of basic courtesy could save everyone a whole heap of trouble.

ChiefKoala 30

If you didn't ask then it's kind of YDI. You should always ask, no matter if it seems nice or not. On the other hand, i do hope you're okay and i hope that it didn't maul you as some people on here are making it out to be. When i was younger some guy who had a wolf as a pet let his "pet" loose, and it wound up getting lost. It made its way to my yard and bit me in the leg. So i know the pain of a dog biting and scratching you, so i do hope you're okay.

'utterly mauled'? if all it did was cause you to gasp then you were not mauled. God you sound like malfoy kicking off when he was a dick to buckbeak.

and that is why you never touch someone's pet with out asking first.

"It jumped up and utterly mauled my face.." You are why we can't have nice things and are a reason why good dogs have bad things happen to them because of exaggerations. YDI