Doggy dog world

By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 10:02 - United States

Today, I reached down to pet an elderly man's dog. It jumped up and utterly mauled my face, drawing blood. As I gasped in shock and pain, the man said, "Careful, he likes to scratch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 206
You deserved it 11 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask first before you pet? If you did, then FYL. If you didn't, then YDI. Always ask before you pet a stranger animal.

You never pet someone's dog without their permission. They could be a rescue dog who doesn't like strangers, easily excitable, or they could be a dog for disabilities. I'm sorry you got attacked and the guy seemed uncaring but dude ydi


YDI. What in the hell possessed you to touch a stranger's dog without permission?

Who raised you? Clearly nobody or they would have tought you 2 things. Always ask before petting someone's dog, and consent. You dont scare a dog then get mad when they jump and defend themselves. You get the dogs attention, let them sniff you, then read their body language and figure out if they are letting you pet them or not. Ffs people. CONSENT ISNT JUST FOR SEX! DO NOT TOUCH ANY LIVING THING WITHOUT PERMISSION! DO MOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMISSION!! CONSENT! CONSENT! CONSENT! Each of you jerks would say "calm down its 'just'" NO! If someone came up and touched you without your permission you would wig out though. Cuz most of you are hypocrites.