Doggy dog world

By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 10:02 - United States

Today, I reached down to pet an elderly man's dog. It jumped up and utterly mauled my face, drawing blood. As I gasped in shock and pain, the man said, "Careful, he likes to scratch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 206
You deserved it 11 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask first before you pet? If you did, then FYL. If you didn't, then YDI. Always ask before you pet a stranger animal.

You never pet someone's dog without their permission. They could be a rescue dog who doesn't like strangers, easily excitable, or they could be a dog for disabilities. I'm sorry you got attacked and the guy seemed uncaring but dude ydi


Red_Curls1995 28

I have to vote both on this. Yes it sucks that you got hurt but at the same time it seems like you didn't ask and you never ever touch a dog without asking the owner. You have no idea what the dog is like.

Never pet a persons dog without asking. I'm sorry but that's common sense people everywhere do that and then bitch when this happens. You did it to yourself.

If you didn't ask to pet the dog, YDI. I have a dog who is being trained for protection/IPO/schutzhund work. When I bring him out in public he wears his working dog/ask to pet vest & people STILL try to pet him without asking. He is very well mannered but at the same time I know what he is trained for, and it irritates the life out of me when people pet without asking.

zeffra13 31

How to correctly pet someone else's animal: 1. Ask to pet someone's animal before you do it. Do not start reaching for animal until they sound finished answering. 2. Let it sniff your hand first while you're at arm's length (even if it's a cat). Judge how it reacts and then slowly reach to pet it, preferably not top of the head first. 3. Continue to judge reaction throughout interaction until comfortable with animal's behavior.

I agree with others who've said YDI for attempting to pet an animal without asking its owner. Not only is that potentially dangerous in the case of violent, untrained, or scared animals, it's also incredibly rude to the owner. Some people work really hard to train their dogs to behave and respond to them a certain way. Having a stranger butt in can completely disrupt the training and send the owner back to square one.

shepardkinz 19

Everyone is assuming that OP didn't ask. Just because it wasn't specified doesn't mean they didn't before petting.

aeryn97 17

YDI. Always ASK before petting. then when given permission allow the dog to sniff your hand before determining whether it is safe to pet or not.

ydi and secondly using the word mauled is an obvious over exaggeration. if the dog did do that the owner wouldnt have been so calm. from his reaction I bet the dog just scratched u. maybe fairly bad but nothing more than just a flesh wound. getting mauled would be much worse and disfiguring

leogachi 15

@55 While you're most like right, I just want to point out two things. The first is that maulings don't always leave people disfigured and the second is that the guy could have been completely under reacting to vicious behavior. That's probably not the case here, but it happens.

Ydi. Never touch an animal without asking its owner first.