
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I went on my first date in months. My mum had invited friends over, and when I told them I was going out on a date, my mum said "No you're not, don't lie. Who would go out with you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 720
You deserved it 3 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebrapattern 6

be like "Neither are you, which is why you're sitting around the house with a bunch of old hags."

skyeyez9 24

Why are some parents so cruel to their children? Damn. Even if a parent has an ugly child, they should never admit to it! People don't choose how they look when born. You're limited in your appearance even if you have money for plastic surgery. It can only do so much.


bob90079 0

I hate it when people say "mum"

Sinkhole 26

Bob90079, that comment of yours is such a mummery, sorry if I mumble this, but you must definitely be a mumper, obviously you're craving for attention here. If you hate that so much, why don't you just go and get yourself mummified? That way you'll spare us all your mumps. Sorry, did I say 'mum' too much? Go cry to your mummy.

Bob man, in Australia, we say 'Mum' not 'Mom'. Isn't 'mom' the USA way or something? .........I have no idea :S

If that really is the whole story, sounds like your mom is a bitch. Feel free to tell her I said that, I'm Dustin out of the south side of Chicago.

I thought that parents were supposed to be supportive.

SleptWithYoMomma 0

your mom is awsome atleast she tells you what she thinks instead of lying

Lol. My dad is convinced no one'll marry me. I'm still wondering why anyone has married him.

fakEwOrLD 0

I don't think I would even look at my mother if that had happened to me! It's sickening that that she would even think that!