Dating is hell

By ZombiKilla - 16/08/2016 02:46 - United States - Delta

Today, I went on a date. Met the guy at the restaurant, everything seemed to be going OK, but then he spent the entire dinner talking about Pokemon GO, and wouldn't let me say a word. He suddenly stops talking, gets up, says he, "doesn't feel a connection" and leaves. I had to pay the bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 561
You deserved it 1 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably with Team Rocket and needed the free meal. Giovanni doesn't pay well!


Aw, don't be blue OP. You dodged a bullet.

And once the guy realises his mistake, he will see red n be green with envy. As you would then have a new boy friend.

Smart man. Who needs to waste time with someone who can't appreciate Pokémon.

Well if you met him at the restaurant what was he like before hand? If he was an ass before then it's all on you.

TAntobella 14

Clearly he was just after a free meal, and planned it all out to run away before the bill arrived

Sucks that you had to pay for his meal, but honestly sounds like you dodged a bullet.

You didn't have enough badges to train him.

xxreikoxx 31

I love Pokémon Go as much as the next guy does, but that's no way to treat a date.

Hope the bill wasn't too much, but it sounds like a small price to pay to get rid of that selfish, conceited man child.

Oh gosh, I would have slapped the guy to next year!