Damned freshmen

By CRC - 23/11/2011 15:38 - United States

Today, a freshman set off the fire alarm in my dorm at 2 a.m. He tried to microwave Easy Mac without adding water. I had to stand outside for 45 minutes while the firemen moved the noodles to the sink and ran cold water over them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 307
You deserved it 2 425

Same thing different taste


i dont get it.. was he making easy mac or noodles? dumbass.

I spent my first year of Uni in residential halls. In the first month alone the fire alarm was set off five times, all at 2am in the middle of winter. The causes were determined to be a combination of- Food burnt whilst cooking Smoking in the rooms (And my personal favorite) Drunks punching the alarm whilst having a fight

youngwildfree_fml 0

A girl in my dorm did the same thing. That smell doesn't go away for a few days either.

marisadc79 0

That happened to my niece last year with microwave popcorn lol

Ive done that before on accident..,.but I was a young kid...not a freshman 0.0

lord_khadgar05 5

The joys of college... good luck getting the smell out of the whole building for about a week-ish... I had a friend who did that, but luckily he was smart enough to put the noodles out with water, and didn't pull the fire alarm

yogamaster9000 0

I've done this before... Haha

dishsoap10 9

Lmao. I did that once but it was at my friends house.