Customers from hell

By Anonymous - 15/08/2021 06:01

Today, an older customer ran up to me and did a open-mouthed, panting growl in my face, with her face 2 inches from my mine. She then laughed and said, “I only do this to men” and then left the store without buying anything. My mask was down and she didn’t have one at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 023
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously she was a nut job at best. If you don’t wear it right, a mask does you no good. So wear your mask.

This might be a first that covid is a sexually-transmitted disease and a hate crime!


Thanatos999 3

doesn't mean they had anything wrong with them but a mental issue.

This might be a first that covid is a sexually-transmitted disease and a hate crime!

This describes almost everything wrong with society in three sentences. RIP that your mask happened to be down when it happened. FYL

Obviously she was a nut job at best. If you don’t wear it right, a mask does you no good. So wear your mask.

teddy 1

Should of used the stiff arm

TruthSoothsayer 3

should have got her digits, bet she's a lioness in the sack.

you need around 10-15 minutes of exposure to get get covid, more if you're fully vaccinated. so terrible experience but not life threatening

Being that they did it directly in/on their face, and just the droplets from breathing are enough to transfer it, if that person had it then there is an extremely high possibility of contracting. Not a guarantee, but very high.