Big up retail workers

By Anonymous - 22/05/2020 14:00

Today, an old guy got nose to nose with me, threatened me, and spit in my face, just because I politely reminded him he needed to be wearing a mask. He had been coughing on multiple food items in my store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 943
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get him escorted out and bill him for anything that has to be thrown away

Blacklist him from the store and report his assaulting ass.


get him escorted out and bill him for anything that has to be thrown away

In addition, he should be banned from the store and arrested for assault and willfully contaminating food, especially during this pandemic.

Blacklist him from the store and report his assaulting ass.

Should have punched that nasty ****** in the face...

depending on what country you're in, he can get charged with assault with bodily fluids, assault by intimidation, and a lot of places are charging people that intentionally cough on products during a pandemic with terrorist activity