
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-wife crashed my engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 739
You deserved it 4 129

Top comments

How'd she know of your engagement? Don't let her ruin it. Make her leave she can't stay.


bubo_fml 10

Q: The difference between a Pit Bull & my Ex? A: Lipstick!

ikickgingers 15

But did your ex break out singing friends in low places. That would own. Maybe next time ?

Dear OP, FML's format doesn't allow us to know the extenuating circumstances behind this. Too many variables here. Unless she was straight batsh!t, which the majority of people (not to be confused with fools, idiots, or tools) are not, *something* happened for her to up and start grinding levels in crazy. Maybe you deserved this, maybe you didn't. Either way- at face value... FYL.

Aozora_fml 8

Sounds like your ex-wife is quite the stalker there.. That or one of your friends opened their mouth... FYL for having a ex-stalker wife much..

how did she know about it? especially when and where it was

It's in these times that I wonder what Maria Concepcion would do. Kill the bitch

iTzJonnyyy 0

shoulda told the dumb bitch to GTFO