
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-wife crashed my engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 739
You deserved it 4 129

Top comments

How'd she know of your engagement? Don't let her ruin it. Make her leave she can't stay.


redfinton22 9
kitsune3 20

Yikes. Sounds like a chaotic incident. Hope everything worked out okay in the end.

restraining order? pffft..... what you want: cable ties (heavy duty ones) duck tape ball gag Groomsmen who are willing to make use of the above on any crashers... the problem with the restraining order, yeah, that's only good if the person actually stays away... sure, you can call the cops if they violate the restraining order, but, how long will it take for the cops to arrive?

restraining orders are only useful if the people actually adhere to them... otherwise all you can do is call the cops and hope they turn up in time.... what you really need: heavy duty cable ties ball gag duck tape (always, always have a backup) Groomsmen willing to use the above to remove any crashers and keep them quiet in the corner, for when the cops finally get there

damnit... the first one looked like it didn't post.... damned connection

ikickgingers 15

You forgot zip ties those always come in handy.

catnip1997 0

she probably likes you still, is she hot??

#45: Isn't that just exactly the same thing as #10 said? I don't understand why you even bothered commenting...

Bludmagnus 13

Many other comments make light of this, but there is something very wrong here.... this woman obviously is showing very dangerous tendencies here. People laughed and joked a number of years ago about another woman who behaved that way, and now Betty Broderick is spending life in prison, her ex and his second wife are dead, and she is happy as she is alive and they are not.....

Androidz 0

Holy shit. This bitch might have a mental disease. For all we know she could be a raging sociopath. Op you need a restraining order and security.