
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-wife crashed my engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 739
You deserved it 4 129

Top comments

How'd she know of your engagement? Don't let her ruin it. Make her leave she can't stay.


She crashed your party? You crash her car and drown her goldfish

What a bitch! I am torn between FYL and YDI. Somehow she found out about it; this means that you each have a mutual ” friend” who let her in on it, or you have not blocked her from what ever social networking site you use. Either way, she is obviously the one who has the F'd life...stalker!

I'd have to say fyl, I may be a teen, but ex's can be dangerous, especially this one. sure she crashed an engagement party, we here in fml laugh and joke about it, but some may be psycologically (?) INSANE they may hurt or even kill their ex's and their ex's fiancé an example is Betty broderick

LOL omg I'm so sorry! But hahaha that is kinda funny.

Because she's the EX wife...who is obviously mentally unstable?...

Munchkin13 6

Did she bring a gun? She will haunt you for the rest of your life

And that my dear friends is why she's an ex(;

chasity_27 2

Does she know she's your ex-wife? She probably didn't get that memo