Cool moves

By Anonymous - 06/07/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, I was in my car and a cute guy pulled up next to me. He looked at me and smiled, but in order to be cool, I pretended not to notice. I also pretended that I was listening to music and was completely absorbed in it, singing passionately. I wasn't even listening to music and my window was down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 020
You deserved it 82 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You found him cute but didnt want to smile back. Fyi, guys really hate it when girls play hard to get.

"but in order to be cool, " Automatic YDI. Stop trying to be "cool". Try being friendly and just be yourself. Much better than being cool. If you think he's cute just smile back.


I hate the girls that try to act cool.

Wow, you're cool, you're telling him you want him to go away. You win. Would it be cool to say "no" if he asked you out, too? Because only a jerk pursues someone who isn't interested in them, and you make guys that you're interested in think that you're not, then you're only ever going to date jerks. Have fun with that. YDI.

In some romantic movie, the girl might play hard to get, yet the man continues to pursue her because he is in love. In real life, people don't fall in love right away. That's why people date, to get to know the other person to see if they would like to spend the rest of their life with them. The nicest guys will not keep hitting on you if you tell them you're not interested. The weird ones will.

You deserve it and you're ******* stupid.

You fail. If he smiles smile back that might lead to something besides you playing hard to get!

If I smile at a cute guy, and he completely ignores me and begins singing (Even if his windows are up and he could actually be listening to music).. I'm going to think he's a little.. odd. >_> Next time, if you want to look cool, smile back? I have never understood the "playing hard to get" shit, if someone did that to me.. I'd assume they didn't want to be with me and move on?

Essentials 0

It's not cool. Guys think you're dumb. Don't do that stupid shit.

ithedarkknight 0

if there was a dumbass award im sure you would get it hands down.... is it that hard i mean that hard! when someone smiles or says hi to just smile or say hi back... is that to easy or do you have to jump off a building act like a complete jackass or singing to no music like a idiot to feel or seem cool... geez this is the reason im not in a relationship right now the little games people play i dont got time for that shit just focus on my schools...

chococool223 0

Why is everyone overreacting about the situation? There is nothing wrong with trying to be cool. Yes, what the OP did wasn't what other people may have thought of, 'cool', but you guys don't have to judge and disrespect her by calling her horrible things like 'dumb bitch' and 'your probably a pshyco/messed up' or anything like that. He probably smiled at her because she was attractive, and she wanted to seem like it wasn't a very big deal, but maybe overdid it?