Cold open

By AbsentMindedBoy - 03/03/2009 04:09 - Canada

Today, I visited my ex-girlfriend's house. I saw her mother and asked, "Hi! Have you recovered from that nasty cold that you had for so long?" She said, "I don't have a cold," to which I smiled and said, "That's great to hear!" Turns out she has lung cancer instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 624
You deserved it 15 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. I'm sure she understood. **** HER life though :(


Well that's not so bad, clearly you weren't being malicious.

mcnordan 0

I never get these. Why do people think its FML when someone told them they had cancer? You are assuming that said person is an over-sensitive crying little b*tch when you make it all awkward like that. Regardless - you could have easily diverted this by congratulating the person for overcoming cancer.

Xaos 0

@14: Indeed... but then again, FML is full of egocentric *******.

Froghop 0

14 - maybe he had been told she had cancer before and forgot and this showed that he totally didn't give a thought to her wellbeing

Real_Lol_Cat 0

Lol? Um, if you were in a relationship with this girl, then shouldn't you have known her mom had lung cancer?

hootch 0

SPREAD HOPE LIVE LIFE<3 i hope she makes it.

Best story I have read so far. I envy you.