Caught red-handed

By caught - 09/01/2012 00:43 - United States

Today, I was bored and started touching myself watching TV. My mother walked into my bedroom with a phone in her hand and yelled, "Stop jacking off and talk to your grandmother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 324
You deserved it 36 278

Same thing different taste


WickedClownMCL 1

Awkward if grandma heard it. " Hi grandma.... How are you" "Horrified"

Well, stop jacking off and talk to your grandmother!

OP: "oh hey grandma, i'm loving those socks you gave me...". (American Pie reference)

I accidentally posted the comment twice. My bad.

Who the hell touches themselves because they're bored? ydi..

Um totally not me, cause you know that would make me weird... People do it though I'm not one of those people though, you should just know its out there, or should i say "in there"

Well who tries to be a fake vampire? Didn't think that threw did ya?? Fyl (;

Was you grandma laughing at you when you got the phone?

Was you grandma laughing at you when you got the phone?

kickassnumerouno 0

Agreed. MelTheGreat is creepy.

littlemsweirdo 12

Yes you are. Because you felt the need to comment twice. And both your comments were quite odd

it's okay to be creepy when you're attractive