Caturday surprise!

By keeperstride - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I tried to wash my cat in the shower, conveniently naked myself. He disapproved, scratching my man-parts and nicking a vein. I just got back from the hospital with an infection, swollen nuts, and a hole in my butt for which I had to get a shot of antibiotics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 814
You deserved it 72 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aoife 0

Haha, there's a place and time for everything. You can't ALWAYS get the pussy into the shower with you. x]


That's why you usually bathe cats with damp clothes, silly. Or, you can actually get them used to baths if you put them in a tub with a light amount of water, starting at a young age.

quivx 7

Um...don't cats wash themselves?

Yes they do wash themselves, but there are a lot of reasons why people wash them regularly. Short haired cats are generally fine, but if you don't wash a long haired cats fur it might get dull and flakey over the years. If you have a clean house where you don't allow shoes, you wash the cat if it walked around in mud or something. There are also some cats who don't adequately wash themselves, especially on their rear and totally have poopy butts (I've seen it before, it's gross). The main reason I can think of to wash a cat once a month is if someone in the family is allergic and the cat is washed with special shampoo. That being said, I think most people don't, but it still is extremely common to wash them, and there are a lot of cats who don't mind as much. My question - surely OP had washed the cat before if he was willing to get naked...did he not notice how much the cat hated it and not realize what might happen?

Jesus O_O For some reason, I cant imagine a grown man taking a shower with his cat and not expect it to freak out because of the water and not claw your face off. If I were one of the doctors, I would not have believed your dumbass story. I wonder what you were really doing with that cat, you sick freak.

Well, that's the last pussy you'll see for awhile.

seriously man cat's lick themselves clean. Who the **** washes their cat. idiot.

waterynuggets 0

Yeah i guess a wet pussy doesn't always make a **** happy.

Gavik 0

Anyone who thinks a man deserves this is a sick ****.

sirknz 0

A man, no, a complete fucktard yes.

halfglassfull 0

CATS HATE WATER! Although I don't think you deserved to get your junk cut up, cats + water = bad is cat facts 101.

infidelboy 0

1, cats hate water, so obviously the cat isnt gonna be happy. 2 i wash my dog in the shower all the time and i find a bathing suit works very wel for keeping my manparts safe