Caturday surprise!

By keeperstride - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I tried to wash my cat in the shower, conveniently naked myself. He disapproved, scratching my man-parts and nicking a vein. I just got back from the hospital with an infection, swollen nuts, and a hole in my butt for which I had to get a shot of antibiotics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 814
You deserved it 72 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aoife 0

Haha, there's a place and time for everything. You can't ALWAYS get the pussy into the shower with you. x]


Ketz 0

where the hell did you ever get the thought that would he a good idea? cats wash themselves, and usually hate water. YDI.

yeah, you were trying to "wash" your're looking for the wrong kind of pussy my friend

californiareader 0

cats+water=angry mean cat, basic math man. YDI for doing it naked in the first place. hahahah i agree with #32

Finally, a half decent FML. The OP is retarded though if this is real, but amusing nonetheless.

nixxx90 0


sublime93 0

No one deserves that but it was still pretty stupid of you

I think the OP is mentally retarded... How did he even figure out how to post this on the website?

OMFG.....What if this sicko had kids???