Caturday surprise!

By keeperstride - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I tried to wash my cat in the shower, conveniently naked myself. He disapproved, scratching my man-parts and nicking a vein. I just got back from the hospital with an infection, swollen nuts, and a hole in my butt for which I had to get a shot of antibiotics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 814
You deserved it 72 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aoife 0

Haha, there's a place and time for everything. You can't ALWAYS get the pussy into the shower with you. x]


deathtoallwhodie 0

ok first off why is everyone tlking about how to wash his cat or this counts as molestation no no. #1 u sir are a dumbass have you even watched cartoons yeah u dont take a shower with your cat let alone naked, i think the face on your cat that says "get me wet and i'll cut ur dick open" was a heads up to not do it but nooooo go right ahead nothing bad will happen ur cat never wanted you to get laid anyway

Dude. Cats hate water. What planet are you from?

katewasherexx 0

Don'tcha know that cats hate water? Common knowledge.

And this seemed like a good idea at the time? PLEASE allow yourself to wake up before you try to think. KTHXBAI.

katewasherexx 0

Don'tcha know that cats hate water? Common knowledge.

GatorBites 0

8 inches? I think you might be exagerating.

soxwin04and05 0

Cats hate water dumb ass, YDI... besides shouldn't the real FML be how you had to describe to the doctor how you got cat scratches on your manparts?

To everybody insisting that all cats hate water - plenty of cats like water. In fact, there are some breeds that are known for absolutely loving water in general, like Bengals. But in general, even cats that like water will go beserk when it's forced on them, for example, by being shoved into the shower by a naked man.

rock_the_dreams 2

I wash both of my cats naked, once a month. There are two ways to do it safely, but trim their nails first. 1. Have the cat's tummy flat against your chest, their head past your shoulder. press them against yourself with one hand, soap them with the other. when you need to wash their stomach, I usually hold their forearms together to do that. 2. Might be easier. I press them against the bathtub, wet them, turn off water, soap, turn on water, wash off soap. viola! My cats rather cling on me when I wash them so they're less scared, but I like method 2 more.