Heart of Glass

By blahblahblah - 15/04/2020 20:00

Today, I was sitting on a stool by the stove while my dad was making stir-fry. The glass lid he had covering the skillet overheated and exploded. As huge shards of broken glass rained down on his only daughter's head, my dad's only concern was whether or not he would have to throw his food away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 657
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course! He's going to need to have sustenance to get with your mom to start making your replacement.

Well, you ARE his only daughter ... at the moment....


Susan Yee 9

Well, did you die? Or bleeding? So, no big deal.

Well, you ARE his only daughter ... at the moment....

Of course! He's going to need to have sustenance to get with your mom to start making your replacement.

rotflqtms_ 21

Now you know...don't sit near the stove while someone's cooking. It's not safe.

If you’re old enough to be writing this, you’re old enough to know sitting on a stool by the stove when someone is cooking isn’t safe.

Yeah, probably shouldn't have been sitting next to the stove while someone else was cooking. Or even if you were cooking, for that matter. I'm no cooking expert, but I didn't know you cooked stir-fry under a glass lid. Thought you used a wok, or at least left the pan uncovered.