Better out than in

By flying13 - 03/11/2010 07:27 - United States

Today, I was on a bench enjoying the sun, when a guy comes and sits next to me. Next thing I know, he lets out a loud fart, then looks my way with pride. I stare back in shock. He then says to me, "Yeah, that just happened," and walks off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 514
You deserved it 13 273

Same thing different taste


i wouldn't be surprised if my boyfriend was missing when this happened....

joolz_au 2

how many times do we have to read this same FML??

52- she remembers being spat on as a funny thing? I hope she got the appropriate medical tests done to make sure that cretin didn't pass on any diseases. Oh, and the 'supportive' boyfriend? I hope she dumped him on the spot! Being spat on by a stranger is no laughing matter.

dingdongditch111 0

does that remind you of Brian from a very potter musical?

epic, that sound like some of the ppl I know, a major win